The hot, sunny days of summer are officially gone, and winter is quickly approaching. If last year’s bizarre weather taught us anything, it’s that we need to take precautions to limit the damage that ice can cause to our homes. By taking the appropriate measures, you can limit the risk that ice poses to your home and avoid dealing with extensive and expensive roof repairs. The key to avoiding roof damage is knowing what to expect ahead of time and taking the necessary precautions.

Protect your house this winter by following these tips.


Winter in Eugene is typically characterized by rain, lots and lots of rain. When it gets cold enough, that rain becomes ice and snow and starts to pile up on your roof. It’s extremely important that your roof is still capable of draining excess water.

Make sure your gutters are free from obstruction, especially after serious ice and snowstorms. A clogged gutter will cause the water to back up and overflow onto the side of your home. Not only does this mean that water isn’t being properly drained away from your home, but it may also cause your gutters to pull away from your home and be damaged due to the additional weight.


Before it’s too late, take the time to quickly inspect the perimeter of your property for tree branches that are hanging over your roof. With the added weight from snow and ice, these branches may break off and damage your roof. By pruning these branches, you remove the possibility of them falling onto your home during or after an ice storm.


While leaks aren’t only a problem during the winter, they often go unnoticed or unaddressed during the colder months. This can be problematic as leaks can lead to structural damage to ceiling joints, rafters, and wall framing. The exposure to moisture can also cause the surrounding wood to mold and deteriorate.

Waiting to fix a leak could potentially lead to a hike in your electricity bill as well. Wet insulation is less resistant to temperature change which means more warm air from your home will escape which will lead to more expensive energy bills.

Many homeowners are unaware that these leaks are also a potential fire hazard as the water that drips through can damage wiring located throughout the ceiling and attic of your home.

Weather in the Pacific Northwest has a reputation for being unpredictable, and last winter was a prime example of that.

This year, be ahead of the curve by preparing your roof for winter weather. By doing so, you will save yourself from the headache of dealing with repairs.

To determine if your roof needs to be inspected before this winter, feel free to contact us through our online form or give us a call today.